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4L Trophy - What is it?

Le 4L Trophy est un raid à travers la France, l'Espagne et le Maroc qui collecte chaque année 72 tonnes de materiel scolaire pour l'association Enfants du Désert. L'association Enfants du Désert a deja permis la construction d'une école, et d'un puits au Sud Maroc. Ce raid parcourt plus de 6000km dans un esprit d'entraide et de solidarité, comptant plus de 3000 participants! 


The Adventure

4L Trophy - What is it?

The 4L Trophy is a raid through France, Spain and Morocco that collects every year more than 72 tonnes of school supplies for the association Enfants du Désert. The association Enfants du Désert has already enabled the construction of a school and a well in the South Morocco. This raid covers more than 6000km in a spirit of mutual help and solidarity, counting more than 3000 participants!

Enfants du Désert

L'Aventure - The Adventure

Source - 4LTrophyOfficiel Youtube Channel

For English speakers: 

Enfant du Désert is a charity who’s main objective is to promote and facilitate education for children in South Morocco, where the rough climatic conditions and the low income of the population makes it harder for children to benefit from good infrastructure and supplies. Enfants du Désert was launched in 2005, and has since then worked alongside with 4L Trophy to gather the necessary funds to build state-of-the-art infrastructure in South Morocco; they have built new schools, a well, and have provided every year more than 72 tonnes of school supplies to help young children study and pursue their education. It is for these reasons that we now reach for your help, to support us through our project to run alongside 1400 other participants, and to enable us to work alongside Enfant du Désert in these beautiful operations. 

Qui sommes-nous?

About us!

Qui sommes-nous?

Nous sommes deux étudiants en deuxième année de diplôme d’Ingénieur en Génie Civil à Imperial College London voulant se lancer dans l’aventure du 4L Trophy. Étant deux élèves très actifs dans les oeuvres caritatives (Max est secrétaire depuis 2 ans de l’association du département de Génie Civil et Sébastien Trésorier de l’association Ingénieur Sans Frontières Imperial), nous avons voulu entreprendre une action hors de l’université pour venir en aide à des associations.

Who are we?

We are two students in second year of Civil Engineering at Imperial College London wishing to participate in the adventure 4L Trophy. We are two very proactive students in charities (Max being Secretary of CivSoc - Civil engineering society and Sébastien Treasurer of Engineers Without Borders Imperial). We wanted to launch ourselves in charities outside of Imperial College London to make a difference. This is why we decided to join the 4L Trophy with the association "Enfants du Desert" to promote and facilitate access to education for kids in the Moroccan desert!

Qui sommes-nous - About us

Les Pilotes - The Drivers

Les Pilotes - The Drivers

Notre Progrès - Our Progress 

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You wish to support us in our project but you don't have time to follow us around ? No problem ! You can always offer your support by doing a donation to our crowfunding page online !

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